FanCheer Interactive
Sports Bar Promotional Network (SBPN)
FanCheer’s new sports bar video platform – use your existing TVs and guest’s mobile phone to increase ACS by up to 20%! We use gamification and reward-based incentives to create a powerful connection with passionate sports fans. FanCheer makes fans an integral part of the game experience; they have a great time and come back for more.
What is FanCheer?
It’s no secret that sports fans are loud, enthusiastic, & passionate. There are 180M sports fans in the US, yet 90% will never attend a live game. These fans want to be heard! FanCheer is the interactive platform where sports fans compete to demonstrate and quantify their passion. Through competitions tied to the games’ live action, FanCheer taps into the power of these fans, enabling sports bars to “Reach… Beyond the Venue”™ to capture additional revenue by monetizing fans watching the game outside the arena.
In working with local sports bars, we saw that they promoted too much and gained too little. We believe, through FanCheer, that there is a better way to promote. Instead of “giving away the house”, we have seen that using targeted promotions tied to the game’s live action are not only more fun for customers but also more effective and profitable for the Bar. In fact, we saw Average Check Sizes (ACS) increase by more than 20%! FanCheer’s powerful promotions engine uses the TV screens you already have along with the FanCheer Mobile App to reach and engage customers to deliver a great experience.

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